Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mother Nature's Medicine

This featured blog is called Pain Management and Migrane Relief. Its sole contributer is Indie Cooper-Guzman, a nurse board certified in pain management through the American Academy of Pain Management. She gives helpful advice on how to reduce and better manage headaches and migranes. This particular blog entry is called "The Value of Change... Getting Outside". It is a common misconception that remaining sedentary at home will lessen physical pain. Cooper-Guzman shares with her audience how "the change of scenery, the feeling of fresh air, and the change of pace can change the way you think and how you feel" and often relieve pain. Enjoying scenery and beautiful weather will often lead to a positive attitude and thus, prohibiting pain from controlling our mentality. Also, surrounding oneself in fresh air and a calm, relaxing environment can reduce the need for worry and concern, which leads to a happier, more positive person.

The audience Cooper-Guzman is writing to is one that experiences physical pain regularly and is interested in unique methods of alleviation. Cooper-Guzman sounds very passionate about this method of alleviation and encourages her readers to adopt this practice. The most interesting part of this blog entry is how simple the solution is to a common and often worrysome problem. Many people rely on over-the-counter or prescription drugs even at the slightest sign of pain. Stepping outside is a more enjoyable and healthier method to this problem. I agree with Cooper-Guzman's advice. I notice that sunshine and fresh air help me feel much better when I am in pain or illness. Going outdoors in beautiful New England often makes people feel happier than being in a gloomy, dark basement den, especially when they are experiencing pain.

Photo Credit-Raymond 3

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